100% Proof of Identity Document’s Authenticity

Using NFC technology, any identity document with an embedded RFID chip can be verified, assuring 100% proof of the document’s authenticity.

As the most reliable way to verify an identity document, NFC verification combines utmost security with a seamless user experience. 

NFC Verification of Electronic Identity Documents

Electronically enabled Machine Readable Travel Documents (eMRTD), such as e-passports, e-driver’s licenses, or e-ID cards, hold an RFID chip where the biographical and biometric information about the document owner is stored. This data is cryptographically secured and signed with a digital certificate of the issuing country, which makes it very hard to tamper with. 

The data stored on an RFID chip can be securely accessed, read, and verified with NFC-enabled smartphones. This makes NFC verification the most reliable method to verify an identity document.

Spoof-Proof Document Verification with Zero Friction for the User

With NFC functionality supported in almost every smartphone, the remote verification of any NFC-enabled identity document becomes available and easy to perform:

  1. First, our components capture a document page with the MRZ zone.
  2. With on-device OCR technology, the MRZ zone is extracted to retrieve the unlock code for the RFID chip.
  3. Data are read on-device from the chip in a highly secure and structured way, allowing further processing.  
  4. The authenticity of the document is verified both for the data (to confirm the data have not been modified) and the chip (to verify the genuineness of the document).
See documentation
Innovatrics NFC Reading & verification

Elevated Security of Digital Onboarding with NFC Verification

Our architecture enables the performance of data authentication on the server, verifying the authenticity of the chip and assuring the original document was presented.

Chip authentication verifies that the data on the chip has not been altered since it was issued by validating each data element’s cryptographic signature using an issuing country’s public keys. By verifying both at the same time – the authenticity of the RFID chip itself and the data stored on it, using NFC technology assures 100% proof of the document’s authenticity. 

With the involvement of biometric face verification and liveness detection technology, the digital onboarding process becomes even more secure when the document owner’s photo extracted from the chip is biometrically matched with the selfie of the user. 

NFC Verification

Identity Document Verification with Seamless User Experience

Thanks to the straightforward implementation of NFC verification, remote onboarding processes can be easily complemented with trustworthy document verification, providing convenience to users. It only requires users to have a smartphone with built-in NFC functionality and an NFC-enabled identity document.

We have developed a mobile NFC library with all the security algorithms to read the data structures from the standard document types, such as passports and IDs (TD1, TD2, and TD3). 

Innovatrics’ proprietary on-device OCR extracts the data from the MRZ zone to unlock the chip, whereas the security algorithms we implemented read all the data structures from the document. This only takes a couple of seconds for the user to verify their identity document.

See documentation
NFC reading

NFC-Based Identity Verification for Any Use Case

With the new NFC-enabled identity documents issued by countries daily, NFC document verification has become the number one option in mobile onboarding. It is 100% reliable, secure, and easy to perform. 

The capability of our NFC library to read the data on RFID chips in a structured manner allows its further processing, such as comparison, matching, etc., which makes NFC reading a reliable technology to obtain user data for their storage.   

digital onboarding completed

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