DIGITAL ONBOARDING TOOLKIT Identity Management Platform

Complete identity verification and management platform

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Establishing instant trust in a digital world is a challenge faced by more and more organizations. Customers expect instant access to services 24/7. With identity theft and fraud risks on the rise, adopting a secure and seamless identity management solution is mission-critical for many enterprises.

DOT Trust Platform is an open platform enabling secure remote identity verification and biometric identity management. It features industry-leading technology trusted by enterprises and governments in over 80 countries.

Identity verification platform

Proven Track Record of Trusted Remote Identity Verification Projects

Finance Customer onboarding System integrators eKYC Finance Customer onboarding Telco SIM registration
Finance Customer onboarding
Finance Customer onboarding
Telco SIM registration
System integrators Customer onboarding
Digital security Digital certificates and e-signatures
Finance Banking as a Service
System integrators Digital security
Finance ID data extraction
System integrators Customer onboarding
System integrators Customer onboarding
System integrators SIM registration
System integrators ID data extraction
Digital Security Onboarding as a service
System integrators Insurance registration
System integrators Attendance

Identity Management Platform

DOT Trust Platform combines industry-leading facial biometric technology with a powerful identity management system for comprehensive remote identity verification, empowering your organization to:

  • Reduce customer onboarding costs
  • Lower onboarding time from hours to minutes
  • Increase fraud detection by up to 90%
  • Remove friction and increase conversion
  • Deliver a seamless onboarding experience
  • Comply with legal requirements and regulations
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Innovatrics Identity verification platform

DOT Trust Platform Features

Our identity management platform gives you a full set of features for comprehensive identity verification and biometric identity management.

Mobile & Web SDKs for Seamless User Experience

High-performing and lightweight iOS, Android and Web SDKs give users a seamless and fully digital experience. All they need to verify their identity are their ID and a selfie. 

  • Easy integration with web or native mobile apps
  • Cutting-edge neural networks for identity document and selfie auto-capture
  • On-device liveness check and face verification
  • NFC reading of identity document RFID chip for secure authentication
  • Lightweight with a low footprint 
ABIS - Remote onboarding smartphone

Identity Trust Evaluation

Evaluating data collected during the onboarding process, DOT Trust Platform calculates different Trust Factors to assess the credibility of each onboarding. Based on Trust Factors evaluation, the onboardings can be automatically approved, rejected, or sent for further human inspection for a decision to be made. 

  • Manage risks in your remote onboarding process and prevent fraud
  • Accept or reject an onboarding based on configurable thresholds 
  • Document-related Trust Factors: document expired, valid MRZ checksum, text consistency, B&W photocopy detection, screen attack detection
  • Biometric-related Trust Factors: face match, passive/active liveness, age and gender consistency
Innovatrics Identity verification platform


Web-based GUI shows an overview of onboarding sessions and statistics with custom filtering.

  • Onboarding sessions list with real-time status overview
  • View daily or weekly onboarding statistics 
  • Custom filtering
Identity Management Platform

Biometric Duplicate Search

Search face images captured during onboarding against databases of blocklisted users, known fraudsters, or all previous onboarding sessions.

  • Detect potential fraud by searching against multiple watchlists
  • Search onboarding face against millions of stored faces in milliseconds 
  • Built using Innovatrics’ NIST FRVT top-ranked biometric algorithm
Biometric Data Deduplication

GDPR-Compliant Data Management

Store and browse all onboarding sessions and data, including identity document images, selfie face images, liveness images, and Trust Factors in accordance with GDPR.

  • KYC- and GDPR-compliant data storage
  • Store original and normalized images of identity document and face in accordance with your organization’s data retention policy
  • Data collected is held and used only for specified purposes
  • Keep accurate and up-to-date personal data which can be deleted upon user request or when no longer required
Identity Management Platform

Data Inspection Tools & Manual Decisioning Dashboard

Inspect identity documents and face images collected during onboarding in order to make better-informed decisions.

  • Inspect images collected during onboarding via web-based inspection tool
  • Compare OCR textual data with original images
  • Analyze identity documents for signs of potential tampering
  • Review Trust Factors against specific data points
  • View list of potential watchlist matches
  • Perform QA and decide to accept or reject an onboarding session marked for manual review
Identity Management Platform
Digital Onboarding Toolkit Datasheet Download

DATASHEET Digital Onboarding Toolkit

Full Technology Stack for Online Identity Verification

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