Case studies

Lightweight Facial Recognition Automates Roll Calls at Schools

VALID, a Brazilian Trust Solutions Orchestrator, joined a tender to solve a demand of CELEPAR, a state-owned IT company in Brazil, to find a comprehensive solution that would enable the enrollment and attendance tracking of primary public-school students in Paraná state, Brazil, utilizing facial recognition technology.

Based on project requirements, more than 17,000 servers would be needed with the traditional approach to deployment and implementation of such a solution estimated to cost over half a million US dollars.

In this case study, you’ll learn how VALID partnered with Innovatrics to provide the solution with facial recognition technology for the project and save on infrastructure costs significantly.

Results achieved with Lightweight Facial Recognition:

  • 80% time saved on roll call per each class
  • Fast attendance check with zero maintenance costs
  • Accurate face identification even on small, low-quality face pictures
Fast and Economical: Lightweight Facial Recognition Automates Roll Calls at Schools